A selection of photographs and words from Year 1 Photography students . The brief had two parts. The first was a narrative, where they had to produce a short photo-essay about one of the following topics: Environment, Transport, Social Issues or Leisure. The second was to create a documentary ‘typology’ which evolved out of the main narrative.


Gabriella Mazowiecka
The documentary narrative for my brief was about one of the oldest houses in Winchester which is situated on the corner of Blue Ball Hill and St John’s Street.The house was constructed in 1341 and it’s named ‘The Old Blue Boar’. Apparently it functioned as both a shop and a pub. I titled the series ‘Around that house’. To fully show the house my intentions were to present it in a series that goes from its front, inside and then again outside showing the back of the house.

Harry Goldenfeld
Coming from the sprawling metropolis of Birmingham, I was amazed at how easily and abruptly I could pass the boundaries of Winchester; so as I went on longer and longer walks out of Winchester, I documented the changing landscape of the periphery


Katie Doyle
Impossible Anatomy- A children’s idol but impossible to obtain.

Charlotte Robey
I intended to create a sinister approach to my series “Unidentifiable” by including dark surroundings and a composition that is directly approached creating a face. My main focus was to look at the unusual ways cars can be seen in car parks.