Dystopian Worlds and Prototyping Solutions with KIN

Year 2 took part in a fast paced and energetic workshop run by Claire and Luke from Interactive Design Studio KIN . Students are currently working in...

Year 2 Events Week

Students from all four pathways came together for the last two weeks to plan and participate in an exciting programme of workshops, screenings,...

Creating a Publication

Year 2 Graphic Design students presented final drafts of their publication projects this week. Each student has been given a set of articles and...

Obsessions Specialist Pathway Outcomes Year 2

Alongside the group web projects Year 2 students also exhibited their specialist pathway responses communicating ideas from the Obsessions research....

Year 2 collaborative, cross-discipline project, Obsessions

After a busy 5 weeks of working in mixed groups, Year 2 presented their websites and individual responses to their research. This research was based...

Graphic Design Y2 Refine & Deliver: Typographic Voices

Year 2 Graphic Design students are now in the Refine & Deliver stage of their Advanced Skills Bootcamp. Students are developing typographic...

Graphic Design Year 2, Research & Investigate: Modular Letterform Design

The Year 2 Studios are busy as all four pathways commence Advanced Skills Bootcamp for five weeks of the new semester. Developing and exploring...

Self Initiated Projects / Final Year 2 Graphic Design Crits

Last week saw a preview of some of the work to be submitted soon as Year 2 students took part in the final crits of the Semester. The SIP briefs have...