_DSC0041_DSC0032_DSC0008An artist book handling session and discussion today in the Graphic Arts publisher hub explored themes of Form and Function. Led by Catherine Polley Students were able to explore some really interesting material including Helen Douglas’s The Pond at Deuchar E-Scroll  and books by Coracle Press and Book Works.

Today’s session is one of many events that have been organized to co-ordinate with Student assignments and open up discussion between students from other disciplines across the School.

Next weeks Publisher session is entitled ‘As Yet Untitled Publishing’ a talk by Rosie Sherwood. Rosie founded her micro-press and launched Elbow Room, a cross-disciplinary arts Journal and series of live events. Each volume of Elbow Room is individually curated to create a cohesive collection that includes written and visual material www.elbow-room.org

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